
How much does it cost to work with me?

One to one programme package

I’ll create a tailored programme for you to suit your goals and lifestyle. We can meet as often as you would like to, and I’ll be in touch between sessions to support and encourage you along the way.

  • Tailored 6 week programme
  • 6 hourly sessions with me at a location of your choice
  • Access to my home gym
  • 24/7 support via Whatsapp
  • Progress report


One to one package no programme

If you don’t need a programme to follow and just want to train regularly with me. I’ll be in touch between sessions to support and encourage you along the way.

  • 6 hourly sessions with me at a location of your choice
  • Access to my home gym
  • 24/7 support via Whatsapp
  • Progress report




Additional Details

Service Prices

Small group training
£35 per hour for two people, £45 for 3-4 people
£30 per 45 mins for two people, £40 for 3-4 people
A group of up to 5 friends have a session together in my gym or at an outdoor location. It can be the same or different every week.
Adhoc training
£35 per hour
£30 per 45 mins
A one to one session with me to work on whatever goal you have either outdoors, at your house, or in my home gym.
Remote training
£200 with programme
£170 no programme
The same as the one to one programme package except each of the 6 sessions are 45 minutes from the comfort of your own home, via video call.
Pre/post natal training
£35 per hour
£30 per 45 mins